Massage Therapy

What is a Massage?
Massage is the manipulation of superficial and deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue using various techniques to enhance function, aid in the healing process, promote relaxation and well-being and as a recreational activity.
What is Swedish Massage?
Swedish Massage is a gentle type of full body massage that is ideal for people who:
- are new to massage
- have a lot of tension
- are sensitive to touch
It can help release muscle knots, and it is also a good choice for when you want to fully relax during a massage.
For this massage you will be required to remove your clothes, though you may choose to keep your underwear on.
You will be covered with a sheet while lying on the massage table/bed. The massage therapist will move the sheet to uncover areas that they are actively working on.
What is Sensual Massage?
During a sensual massage, a range of techniques are employed to promote relaxation and pleasure.
It is essential to understand that the nature of a sensual massage can vary significantly based on personal preferences and boundaries, given that it is a highly individualized and subjective experience.
Do I need to shower before the massage?
You don’t need to necessarily shower right before your massage, but we do request that you come to you appointment/s clean and free of fragranced personal care products.
Should I take off my underwear when I get a massage?
This depends on your comfort level and the type of massage your going to receive. For target area massages (feet, back, neck, shoulders, arms) you may be asked to leave some or all of your clothes on.
For Swedish Massage many people prefer to be completely nude when they receive a massage, whereas others prefer to keep their underwear on. It is completely up to you, and you are encouraged to undress to your level of comfort.
Tight-fitting or bulky underwear can sometimes get in the way of the massage, especially if your problem areas are the lower back, buttocks or hips.
At Massage4U we ensure that clients are always properly covered by a sheet or towel. Genitals will never be exposed, and only the specific areas being massaged will be covered.
The pressure is not deep enough, but I don’t want to complain. What should I do?
You are encouraged to openly communicate with the massage therapist about your preferences and comfort. If anything needs to be adjusted, or if we are almost (but not quite) getting the right spot, just speak up and let us know right away.
However, it is a myth that massage therapy needs to hurt in order to be effective. Some of the most effective techniques involve very light, gentle touch. Often, too much pressure can cause muscles to tighten further, and detract from the effectiveness of your treatment.
Is it okay to talk to the massage therapist during my massage?
You will experience the greatest benefits from your session if you just allow yourself to become quiet and relaxed which helps your massage therapist focus on providing a great massage.
Definitely communicate with your therapist if you feel any pain or discomfort, if you have concerns during your massage, or if there is anything your massage therapist can do to make you more comfortable.
I woke up with a cold today. Should I come in?
A massage will most likely just make you feel worse.
If you are sick, you may get your therapist sick and pass it on to other clients on the day.
Even if you give less than 24 hours notice, we prefer you reschedule your appointment if you are feeling unwell. so please let us know as soon as possible.
What should I do after I received a massage?
It is a great idea to give yourself some additional time after your massage to continue relaxing and to allow your body to fully absorb the benefits of a massage.
We leave plenty of time in between appointments so that you never feel hurried and can take your time before head of the door. And please drink plenty of water.
What if I fall asleep, snore or drool during the massage?
This very often happens during a massage and is nothing to be embarrassed about.
Just take it as sign you are enjoying the relaxation.
Can I blow my nose, itch, or get up and go to the bathroom during a massage?
Yes. We don’t want you lying there uncomfortable and preoccupied, so please feel free to take care of it.
Our therapists do however encourage all clients to use the bathroom before all sessions.
Should I tell my therapist I have a rash or wart?
Yes, please let your massage therapist know right away.
Is it okay to use tobacco, marijuana, or drink alcohol before my massage?
Please refrain from using tobacco, recreational drugs or alcohol at least 4 hours before your appointment.
Even some prescription or over-the-counter medication can contraindicate the massage.
What if I experienced a trauma (or abuse) that is still triggered by touch? Should I let my massage therapist know?
Yes, please let your massage therapist know if you do not want to be touched in a specific area or in a certain way.
You do not have to give the therapist any details, and you have the right to ask to take a break or end your massage all together at any time for any reason.
If I am attracted to my massage therapist, can I ask him out?
Our professional ethical code of conduct requires us to make sure boundaries are clear, and massage therapist-client relationships must be kept professional, or be terminated if things become personal.
What if I get aroused or get and erection during my massage?
Arousal is a natural parasympathetic response, do don’t feel guilty. However, understand that it was not your massage therapist’s intention to arouse you, unless you have booked a sensual massage.